I'm on a coffee high, and I have to make the best of it quickly so that I can use it efficiently and knock out a lot of art projects. I woke up this morning before my 8:08 am alarm, and not in a panic, and not because I had horrible dreams, but because I was rested. I underestimated how much a decent night's sleep can affect your world outlook: while yesterday sucked, today I feel I can conquer the world!
No more boo-hoo blogging, if you could even call it that.
Some good things, just to think about:
- Mommies
- Being able to cry (literally and/or metaphorically) to your momma on the phone. And the fact that my mom gave me money for a haircut. I am very nearly twenty one. The day I pay for my own haircut will be my real entry to adult life, as opposed to losing my virginity or going to college or my first legal drink or any of that stuff. Although, I did have a "welcome to adulthood, Tay," moment when I got my first ever alarm clock over the winter break. To be fair, it was a gift. (Also, it is adorable.)

- Being kind. Saying hi. Chatting people up. Life is so much nicer. Let it all go! (Corny joke an architecture student might make: "I'm tabula rastering!" Maybe that is only funny to me.)
- Playing with babies. I am baby sitting for one of my teachers, and it's a real joy to not think about anything else and play with a kid for 3 hours in the morning.
- Um, this.
- Maybe my favorite joke:
"Do you like tapes or CDs?"
"Uh... CDs."
"SEE 'DESE NUTS?" (point to crotch)
- Being able to listen to music and find great wisdom in all the simple things being said again. "Oh, this is life. This is life, and everything's alright." Also: "Go, go, go, go, go. You restless soul, you're gonna find it."
I need to start making xeroxes of my letters before I send them out. It is an effective way to journal, and when people make comments to me about what I've written them, I can only remember little bits, if anything. A friend I correspond with says that's part of a letter, that you give it away and it's not yours anymore. But I disagree.
Another good friend quote: "Don't wait, create!" Particularly poignant in our entertainment obsessed culture of iPods, portable movie players, yada yada yada, you've heard it all before, probably. Unless you were plugged in and not paying attention.
No more boo-hoo blogging, if you could even call it that.
Some good things, just to think about:
- Mommies
- Being able to cry (literally and/or metaphorically) to your momma on the phone. And the fact that my mom gave me money for a haircut. I am very nearly twenty one. The day I pay for my own haircut will be my real entry to adult life, as opposed to losing my virginity or going to college or my first legal drink or any of that stuff. Although, I did have a "welcome to adulthood, Tay," moment when I got my first ever alarm clock over the winter break. To be fair, it was a gift. (Also, it is adorable.)
- Being kind. Saying hi. Chatting people up. Life is so much nicer. Let it all go! (Corny joke an architecture student might make: "I'm tabula rastering!" Maybe that is only funny to me.)
- Playing with babies. I am baby sitting for one of my teachers, and it's a real joy to not think about anything else and play with a kid for 3 hours in the morning.
- Um, this.
- Maybe my favorite joke:
"Do you like tapes or CDs?"
"Uh... CDs."
"SEE 'DESE NUTS?" (point to crotch)
- Being able to listen to music and find great wisdom in all the simple things being said again. "Oh, this is life. This is life, and everything's alright." Also: "Go, go, go, go, go. You restless soul, you're gonna find it."
I need to start making xeroxes of my letters before I send them out. It is an effective way to journal, and when people make comments to me about what I've written them, I can only remember little bits, if anything. A friend I correspond with says that's part of a letter, that you give it away and it's not yours anymore. But I disagree.
Another good friend quote: "Don't wait, create!" Particularly poignant in our entertainment obsessed culture of iPods, portable movie players, yada yada yada, you've heard it all before, probably. Unless you were plugged in and not paying attention.
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