February 07, 2008

Okay, so:

1. Can we take one moment and talk about the two people who have added this picture of a silly collage I made as one of their favorite flickr photos? At first, I was complimented, but then I took a look at their profiles, and then their other favorite images. Who are these people? And, do they do anything besides obsessively masturbate? Please, go explore. Also worth looking at: the groups they belong to on Flickr. I'm glad to be associated with these fine folks via the ol' Net.

2. Talking to a friend about a tattoo he was considering ("I shit on the body of Christ," to guarantee he could never get into heaven... yeah.) I said, "Tattoos are forever." He replied, "It will last as long as my body lasts, and that's not forever. That's actually a very short amount of time.

I got a haircut yesterday, and there was one piece that seemed much shorter than I wanted. But, hair grows, I thought. It's not worth being upset about anything that is temporary. Mulling these thoughts over on my walk back, I had a thought (aka, Stoner Wisdom of the Day): It's not worth being upset over anything that is temporary, and everything is temporary!" Mannnnnnnn. Tight.


Blogger C. Semp said...

Also, a very good entry. What a good note to end on (this is the last of the journals that I was reading).

11:18 AM  

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