March 04, 2008

Dear lord, I am twenty-one years old.

I already woke up with a case of "too much birthday" a la the Bearenstein Bears.

20th - Lisa made me burritos (and all the sides) at her apartment and her friends came over. They brought me little gifts, which was sweet. I made delicious muffins with fruit in them to pass out at school because I was bummed out.

19th - Party at Jamie's apartment. I wore a cute dress and looked like someone had punched me in the face. Most memorable moments: 1) a girl I don't like or even know very well having sex with Jamie's neighbor in front of an open window that faces a porch where all my friends stood and watched, 2) Alex passing out in the bathroom and Eric tenderly placing the bathmat over him, and 3) leaving the party solely to make-out, coming back with Whataburger (to distract people from my absence/hickey). Man. Remember how that apartment smells? It just came back to me.

18th - I don't remember, but thinking about the times, a good guess is that I had dinner at Lupe Tortilla's and then a party at Tracy's beach house? I probably did something nice with Walker. That sounds plausible.

[EDIT: Thanks to Amanda's lovely prompting, I now remember. I can't believe I forgot this story, because it's one of my favorite stories to tell. Short version: Amanda and Walker rented a house for the weekend in Wimberly, TX. Walker made a beautiful dinner that Amanda and I promptly vomited all over the house. There was one especially tender moment where Amanda and I, kneeling in front of the same toilet, take a pause from our retching. I hand Amanda a paper towel so she can wipe her face. She flushes it. The toilet then backs up and overflows - chaos returns. Next morning, we "bite our upper lip and put sunglasses on," as the saying goes, and hightail it out of there. Thirty minutes later I crash my car into Walker's and total it, severely damaging mine. Great birthday.]

17th - ...? I think I had friends up to my lakehouse. I know that happened at some point so I'm going to say it was for my birthday. 2004 was a good year for me, so I probably enjoyed it.

16th - I had a surprise party at Lupe Tortilla's that I knew all about. I didn't want to go.

15th - I don't remember. Who cares. Fifteen was a horrible age. I probably told my parents I hated them and then listened to the Impossibles (inner cringe). I was definitely wearing: skinny jeans, my Gap Kids Christmas sweater, indoor soccer shoes, Bright Eyes t-shirt, and bangs. That was my uniform then.

14th - ? Yeah.... no fucking clue.

13th - ? See above.

12th - There was a Lupe Tortilla's dinner with the friends I had at the time. I only remember because someone took a picture.

11th - ?

10th - Jesus, I have been alive for so long and remember like 2% of anything that happened. No surprise, but I can't remember this birthday, either.

9th - ?

8th - ?

7th - ?

6th - I had a magician in my backyard. I was impressed. Later I learned he was super late and my mom was irate.

5th - I tried to do a flip over the top bar of playhouse in my backyard, but accidently hit my face and hid in my room with a bloody nose.

4th - I told an adult I was getting "prettier and prettier everyday" when she asked me how I was doing.

3rd - ?

2nd - ?

1st - I was a baby and didn't know what was going on. Other people probably had cake.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

was it kelly that was having sex with the neighbor? i remember the event, don't remember specifics. happy birthday, friend.

4:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh yeah. 18th birthday: you and me and walker went to wimberley. he cooked for us. you and i threw up. a lot. and the toilet overflowed.

4:18 PM  
Blogger taylor said...

Thank you! I don't even remember that ho's name. kelly sounds right. short skirts. kinda large thighs. long hair.

and: HOW could I forget that birthday??? SO many memorable events. Updating post immediately.

4:56 PM  

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