March 25, 2008


I'm not an exhibitionist - so it's embarrassing for me to show my work where I'm like naked and flopping around. And have everyone stare at it for the twenty minutes me discuss it. Speaking of. Actually there have been a lot of examples recently. "Girl who draws herself naked all the time" is definitely an art school archetype (stereotype?), and one of my least faves. Ugh, me.

I use my friends, sometimes, and all my friends are thin girls with brown hair. So everyone still think it's me.

I'm in drawing class right now. A girl five feet away from me has multiple naked picture print-outs (color, 8 x 11), of ME. And she is drawing huge naked pictures, OF ME. In class. And she is a good draftswoman, so it looks just. like. ME. Naked.


Why should a sentence like "I'm tired of having sex with girls I don't like" hold any more weight than "It's hot outside today"? They are the same. It feels good to give it away.

Yeah, I said that, and it's something I've believed for a long time, but now I don't know. I listened to girls overstay their welcome last night and talk about real things like they were nothing and all I could think was "yuck." There's an art to everything.

also, some other small things:
- Me: "I just want to like rip off the wedding dress and RUN." She: "PERFECT ANALOGY."
- Yesterday Audrey and I, each weighed down by books, water bottles, coats, food, other things, tried to pick up a tampon off the ground of the (full) computer lab using only our feet. I did a pretty successful rainbow. You shoulda seen it.
- I spoke with Jen in her kitchen about something neither of us had ever spoke about ever before in our lives, to anyone. I don't want to forget that. "These words have never come out of my mouth in this order ever before!"
- "Everything you say could be an all-caps text message and it would still be sage."
- Currently I am having drinks before my 1:30 class because I fucking want to and indulgence goes a long way and I'm sad/young/in college/an artist so I can do whatever I want, right?
- I whine about hating the fact that I am a whiney-baby more than I ever actually am a whiney-baby.
- I bought a record today with the sole purpose of healing.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

man, i'm ALWAYS trying to get my art-school friends (which so far only consists of sarah) to use me as a nude model! so far, no go.

yeah, i've been drinkin' a lil, too.

12:30 AM  
Blogger taylor said...

omg omg omg omg i have a great project i've been thinking about. WE COULD DO IT IN AUSTIN. which i'm actually pretty excited about and have been meaning to talk to you about more.

also - drunk drawing? my favorite thing ever. so it seems like it could combine two things we do already???????

12:43 AM  
Blogger taylor said...

ps those nude drawings of me are insane. i'm scaling a "mountain" which is really a very tall bookshelf. fuckin' lumpy and shit. i get to keep them. huzzahhh

12:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm excited too! call me or text me or email me or something and let me know what your plans are. and we'll drink and do art and stuff.

1:06 AM  

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