April 23, 2008

Things I need to quit:
- contributing to the internet whilst intoxicated.
- eating. I'm detoxing again. I'm going to end this semester off the way it started. Cycles, and shit.

Plus, I almost forgot the best thing I witnessed yesterday. Imagine this sounding like two high schoolers reading a script, 'cause that's exactly how it sounded:

[SCENE: A BOY and GIRL have just arrived at the entrance to a dormitory; the BOY has walked her home.]

GIRL: [hand resting on door handle] Hey... Thanks.

BOY: For what?

GIRL: I dunno, just.. listening.

BOY: [backing away slowly, maintaining drawn out eye contact] Anytime.


It was SO Dawson's Creek.

Also: you know you're gonna look back on this time in your life and completely romanticize it. I have done this with Thailand. I have done this with high school. I have done this with Austin. I will do it with my time here.


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