"So there's one less star in the sky. Well, who cares"
No. 6 Bill Callahan - "Vessel in Vain" from Retread Sessions on Vimeo.
My first thought upon seeing this - especially that freeze frame on the preview window - was 'damn, Bill Callahan got old!' (sorry Bill). But as soon as he starts to sing, I realize that I am powerless when faced with that voice and I still would do him in a hot second (you're welcome Bill).
When the power goes out in the grocery store
you just take, take, take.
Just take, take, take.
In honor of my main man B.C., here's some other great things he's done that I was recently reminded of.
"I took your party invitation list and wrote 'enemies' across the top of it.
Then I asked you to go on a short drive with me,
So I could point out some more of our enemies.
Drive with me, scowl with me
I put my hand on your knee and say:
'To your left you will see
Some more of our enemies.' "
"I remember entering you, entering you.
I'm going to be drunk, so drunk, at your wedding."
Julius Caesar I think is some of his best. It is so raw and rough and just bad (but good). Admitting those nasty thoughts you wouldn't normally ("There's nothin' I'd rather see than for you to fail. And where is the beauty that I once had?") and being pretty open about the fact that he is sick of himself and feels like a total loser. Those qualities are pretty ubiquitous in all the early 90s albums (also my life, which is why I love his work so much).
"Some people shouldn't go to parties
Some people shouldn't drink wine at parties
Some people shouldnt've woken up this morning"
That one strikes a particular chord with me.
Also I was reminded of the genius of 'Be Hit' ('Got some advice for you friend: seems my sensitive touch can be given by any ol' schmuck').

Baby Bill.

Take me.
And finally:
Most of my fantasies are of making someone else come.
the end.
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