July 19, 2008

I am going to be extremely heartbroken to leave Texas. Moreso than ever.

Called my Summer Buddy, one of my oldest friends at this point (crazy).

"What's up?"
"I'm having an afternoon cocktail."
"What? I can't hear you. I'm getting my afternoon cocktail on."

Simultaneous afternoon cocktails?
"This is why we are a SB match made in heaven," I said.
"Too good to be true," he said.
"Dream team."

It is still - and always has been - possible to have adventures in the everyday. Important to not forget that. "Everyone's heart is full of blood," or however it goes.

Ada, or Ardor: haven't thought about this book in a while, but goddamn, it was amazing.
"They sat, facing each other, at a breakfast table, munching black bread with fresh butter, and Virginia ham, and slices of genuine Emmenthaler cheese – and here’s a pot of transparent honey: two cheerful cousins, “raiding the icebox” as children in old fairy tales, and the thrushes were sweetly whistling in the bright-green garden as the dark-green shadows drew in their claws. "

Johnny Depp: Most Boring Celebrity Crush.


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