November 02, 2008


Walker said: "Everything brings you back. Jesus."

I've been thinking about it more. I'm not a sentimentalist - I don't hang onto old trinkets and tokens. If you can't use it, throw it away. I have only a few photographs of friends on display: John post-wrasslin', Alex in his tiger suit, Callum as a "happy senseless child", and one from a photo booth in between Barcelona and Paris. And every time I open my wallet I see Kevin's dumb little face (meant in the best way possible). I wonder if I'm still in his wallet. I would say probably not.

I guess I am a nostalgist, which is worse in my book. I can't help it. I can't help but think how beautiful things used to be - how beautiful things still are, I should say. I don't know why I do it, but I always think of how much I love my old friends and how poorly they think of me. Yell at me if you will. Lisa did: "Taylor, remember, you hate them! You left them. You left for a reason." Ah, but it's not really true. I mean it is. But it's not. People like you more once you leave - that is true - but it doesn't mean they ever call.

"I really made a mess of myself this summer." That's still true, but it was fun while it was happening, most of the time.

Anyway, the point of this was that I make pithy art that no one else cares about.


Oh, Christ - mostly I just think about what I can make to eat that requires the least possible effort. Life is good. But attention Pittsburgh fucks: this is a legit example of 'emo'. Take note, for God's sake, and quit throwing it around like you know what the fuck you're talking about.


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