November 08, 2008

It's rare that there are so many people I know/like in one place - which is my favorite thing. Last night I was sitting on Jen's lap and we were whispering into each other's ears: "Oh, that's so and so. See that person? Yeah, that's.... blah blah blah." It sounds catty, but it's not. Let's call it modern social anthropology.

Dinner with my old boss - "Why do you still call me your boss?? I was never your boss, even when I WAS your boss! Everything we did was against the rules! I bought you alcohol, and you did my laundry." Oh yeah. I had forgotten about that. (Also, choice quote: "How many times would you fall down the stairs to get an abortion? More than once, right?" Oh boy. )

I took the bebe to my friends' art opening - 1) The show was amazing. Really great. 2) It was so fun to carry my lil koala baby around and play with him in such a social setting. He was charming everyone. And you know how I feel about charm.

Then Mike/Amos' birthday - I got dressed up and wore a nice dress I haven't worn in a long time and schmoozed and laughed and danced. My friends and I exchange our new business cards, straight outta American Psycho, even though we know each other's numbers. "Make sure you check out the back!" Jonny said. Fun fun fun.

"Damn! It looks like a tiger bit out the back of her dress! But in a good way." Thanks, Dave.


More on the socialite scene:
Today Spencer's playing a show, there's an animation show, Handmade Aracade, then various shows and events afterwards. Such little social butterflies we are.

I walked the dog yesterday dressed as the unibomber:


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