December 07, 2008

Jen's birthday party last night. "Parties here are always fun... you know a good group of people." Honestly, one of the best compliments I have received.

I wore Audrey's Dolce and Gabana dress. She wore her new shoes (Miu Miu? Prada? Can't remember, but they are strictly "inside shoes only") and came over with a huge bag full of clothes and costume changes. Anthony wore her vintage fully sequined shirt.

Brian, Jen, Audrey, Anthony, Emily -- all changed clothes at some point in the night. Jen changed three times or more and at one point was wearing a flannel-patterned iceskating unitard which now is laying on my bedroom floor. Fabulous.

Someone brought Sparks, which was the one thing I couldn't buy for Jen. "It's just that line between drunk and crazy -- do I want to cross it?" Apparently yes.

I have fallen into this really nice pattern where boys sleep over in my bed and nothing happens. Just legs touching and shared body warmth.

Can't even say what really happened, besides teetering around and talking to people I know, but don't really know. You know?

Jen Audrey Lydia Molly Mike Brian Paul Anthony Spencer Jacob Reeves Jodo Chris Ted Amy Josh Rose Annie Carolyn Ahi Claudia Jess Mallis Emily Dave, and more I can't remember.


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