January 29, 2009

Google account back!

I forgot to eat the other day. I keep doing that. I finally went grocery shopping, though, for the first time in..... four months. "What do you eat?!" John said. "Very little," I replied. But that's changing.

I should rename this project "What I Did Yesterday".

Speaking of, yesterday was beautiful. Afternoon cocktails (which was really just tequila). Then a wonderful show - it feels nice to walk into a place and know almost everyone there. And if I didn't know them by name, I recognized them or knew I knew them through friends, somehow. Lindsey came with Paul, a new addition to this social circle and this Pittsburgh life. She was looking around wide eyed at the crowd: "Look at the people here! They are all so strange and interesting looking. What an odd group of people. Who ARE they?!" Jen and Randy and I laughed because they were 'our people' - we knew them all.

We left in waves - MaryApril, RandyMikeMyself, BrianPaulLindsey, JenAnnie, EmilyTony.

"This is a nice system; I get to wake up to you like five different times."

Our house has been a little hotel recently - Randy and Tom making frequent house visits, Callum just left, Dan and Annie are staying here now, and Julie will be here in February. There has also been more entertaining, featuring the rest of the crew.

A gift for you: Thomas Function - Relentless Machines. This closed the show last night and killed it.


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