February 14, 2009

Audrey, Jen, Mary, and I looked through our old facebook pictures from freshman year. It was a mutual conclusion that we are all much better looking now. Then, I went to a punk show with Randy. I was the only person not dressed in all black and I was calculating how many JCrew items were on my person (three - coat, wallet, cashmere cardigan). I'm over-emphasizing for humor, but I did feel weird for having clean, brushed hair for the first time in my life. I want to dress like a secretary all the time, remember?

"Jen told me not to dress cute," I said.
"Yeah... I was going to tell you to dress down, but I didn't want to insult you."

We drank Keystone Lights, going-to-the-frats-at-age-18 style. I didn't even know their was such a thing as Keystone Premium until last night. It blew my mind a little. And I don't dislike moshing, I dislike getting knocked to the ground and/or spilling beer on myself (somebody paid for that Keystone Premium, after all). "Careful, man, there's a beverage here!"

I really wanted to find the clip of Andy Roddick climbing into the stands to kiss Mandy Moore after he wins the US Open (it is Valentine's Day, after all) but the closest I could find was this:

Still cute. I like Valentine's because I like telling my friends and my parents they're special to me.


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