April 18, 2009

Y'all. Y'ALL.

All my days have been great, lately. It's barf inducing to say 'magical', but it feels that way.

- Beautiful weather.
- Went to the park and museum with the baby, rode the carousel. Ate funnel cake. Felt motherly.
- Sunburned!! First of the year, baby.
- Designed a logo for Mary. (Channelling my inner Eric Carle, y'all).
- Put together a cute outfit (it's important), reintroduced my little legs to the world. I was hollered at by some Mexicans, so I knew I was doing at least some very small thing right.
- Totally Wired Fest, night 1.

Nice Moments:

Walking into the museum with Paul, doing something leisurely because we could, and we were there, and why not. Little kids were swarming everywhere, and I pushed the stroller with the sleeping baby in it. "Look at these assholes," I said to Paul as we approached the kid-filled lobby.

Skipping down the front steps to jump in Randy's car. I'm in my little skirt (carrying presents) and he's smiling in the car while smoking his after work cigarette in a tshirt (first of the year). By that big fir tree, car windows down.

Eyes like plates, sitting off on the sides in the fake lounge while the bands played. Waiting it out. Finally being able to socialize and have fun and be on the other side of joke-making (knowing glances from across the bar).

It always feels (I just wrote that as 'fills'. I need to chill out.) like we're a little trouble-making team watching everything else happen. In on the joke. Like when we were sitting on the sidelines in those ridiculous old velour parlor chairs (I wish there were a photo - perfect example of dingy glamour), well put-together and resigned. Or when he was throwing things into the crowd, disappointed he left the fireworks at home, and I silently handed him things I was getting rid of, one by one, so he could throw those, too. I always say it's not a party until Reeves shows up, but truly it's not a party until there are interior fireworks.

We made the adventure (everything is an adventure) across the street to see Lisa at the Thunderbird. She gave me a spider ring and all the drinks were free (with the customary fighting over it). Smuggling beers across the street. And then! The post-show scramble: everyone spills out onto to street, trying to find ways home, jumping into cars that have already started to drive away. Was driven home by Eli, sliding into his car at the last second (sitting on a lap). Came home to a living room of 10 boys dressed in black, sitting on all the couches. John was left behind and woke up in his car at 4 am.

Bathroom encounters. I will leave it at that. Intimate moments that catch you off gaurd - my favorite.

Making coffee, eating donuts and drinking beer before noon. Beautiful.


"Everything is wonderful all the time, and it's the hardest thing to remember to be grateful, but what else can I do?"

"Why doesn't everyone like everything I like? I dunno. But I gotta deal." ---- every argument is pointless, belee dat.


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